Technical Specifications
For full fixing instructions please follow the link above.
The video lasts 22 Minutes.
Please check your bath leg fixings before framework installation
TubFix™ Bath frames fit 95% of L Shower baths on the market, however certain types of bath legs may interfere with the framework depending on the lip size of your bath.
The most ideal leg fixings for the framework are those under the bath as shown in Fig 1. and Fig.2.
Fig 3 shows legs from Ideal Standard, they have removable side fixings that are not necessary if using our TubFix™ frame.
Fig 4 shows the all in one leg form which depending on the size of the bath lip could possibly get in the way of the framework installation. The bath lip needs to be a minimum 50mm in front of the side leg fixing in order for the frame to fit and to allow a maximum 20mm for the bath panel/tile finish.
Front & End Frame Configuration
Front Frame Only Configuration
Stress points on the bath. Perfect support where you need it
The front and end frame fixing kits are sold separately. The end frame kit is generic to our standard bath and L shaped shower bath.
The front frame configuration allows fixing between two walls.
The frame is ideal for a tiled or glass finish. We recommend using a 5/6mm thick tile backer/waterproof cement board by applying silicone to the full length of the support members; place the board and allow to dry. (On the 850mm length of the bath apply just ‘small blobs’ of silicone, enough to just hold the board in place. This way easy access can be obtained in the future to services.)
Tiling can be carried out as normal thereafter.
Front L Shower Fixing Frame
To be used as a Front Frame Fixing Kit Only or in conjunction with the End Frame Fixing Kit. (6Kg)
End Fixing Frame
To be used in conjunction with a front fixing frame kit. (3Kg)